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Results for:  REED,BARBARA - (4 total)

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Ref ID: 166 Journal, 1 of 4
Title | 
Metadata: Core record or core business
Author(s) | 
Availability  | 
Descriptors | 
description ; AS4390 ; BAC ; academic ; theoretical ; recordkeeping systems ;

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Ref ID: 120 Journal, 2 of 4
Title | 
Describing Records in Context in the Continuum: The Australian Recordkeeping Metadata Schema
Author(s) | 
Availability  | 
Descriptors | 
preservation ; description ; administration ; RKMS ; SPIRT ; DC ; AGLS ; BAC ; ISAD[G] ; ISAAR[CPF] ; EAD ; VERS ; academic ; practical ; academics ; recordkeeping professionals ;

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Ref ID: 165 Web Page, 3 of 4
Title | 
Capturing Electronic Transactional Evidence: The Future
Author(s) | 
Source  | ....
Descriptors | 
administration ; security ; RKMS ; AGLS ; academic ; electronic rights management ; government employees ;

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Ref ID: 12 Web Page, 4 of 4
Title | 
Documenting Business: The Australian Recordkeeping Metadata Schema
Author(s) | 
Source  | ....
Descriptors | 
administration ; security ; RKMS ; SPIRT ; academic ; electronic rights management ; recordkeeping professionals ; academics ;


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