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Results for:  METS - (12 total)

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Ref ID: 63 Conference Proceedings, 1 of 12
Title | 
Integrating Metadata Schema Registries with Digital Preservation Systems to Support Interoperability: A Proposal
Author(s) | 
Availability  |
Descriptors | 
administration ; preservation ; BAC ; DC ; LOM ; METS ; OAI ; OAIS ; RKMS ; XML ; academic ; digital preservation ; hypothetical ; archivists ; recordkeeping professionals ; industry best practices ; scholarly ;

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Ref ID: 62 Journal, 2 of 12
Title | 
Digital preservation: Where we are, where we're going, where we need to be
Author(s) | 
Availability  | 
Descriptors | 
preservation ; NISO: Committee on Technical Metadata for Digital Still Images ; OCLC-RLG ; OAIS ; METS ; MOA2 ; academic ; practical ; professionals ;

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Ref ID: 168 Report, 3 of 12
Title | 
RLG Best Practice Guidelines for Encoded Archival Description
Author(s) | 
Links  |
Descriptors | 
description ; EAD ; ISAD[G] ; MARC ; METS ; XML ; SIG ; digital preservation ; standardization ; archivists ; recordkeeping professionals ; consortium ; industry best practices ;

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Ref ID: 187 Web Page, 4 of 12
Title | 
MOAC Standards and Specifications
Author(s) | 
Source  |
Descriptors | 
administration ; description ; EAD ; SGML ; XML ; METS ; TEI ; professional ; consultant ; digital archives ; overview ; practical ; archivists ; musum ; systems ; institutional best practices ;

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Ref ID: 182 Web Page, 5 of 12
Title | 
Metadata Resources: Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS)
Author(s) | 
Source  |
Descriptors | 
description ; administration ; METS ; MOA2 ; OAIS ; academic ; overview ; academics ;

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Ref ID: 167 Web Page, 6 of 12
Title | 
Descriptive Metadata Guidelines for RLG Cultural Materials
Author(s) | 
Source  |
Descriptors | 
description ; DC ; METS ; MODS ; EAD ; MARC ; TEI ; XML ; CDWA ; SPECTRUM ; VRA ; UNIMARC ; academic ; librarian ; practical ; standardization ; digital archives ; digital libraries ; archivists ; librarians ; museum ; institutional best practices ; professional guidelines ;

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Ref ID: 151 Web Page, 7 of 12
Title | 
Online Archive of California Best Practice Guidelines for Encoded Archival Description, Version 1.1
Author(s) | 
Source  | 
/ ....
Descriptors | 
description ; DACS ; EAD ; ISAD[G] ; METS ; XML ; SIG ; digital archives ; practical ; archivists ; insitutional best practices ;

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Ref ID: 141 Web Page, 8 of 12
Title | 
Understanding Metadata
Author(s) | 
Source  |
Descriptors | 
administration ; description ; educational ; procedural ; preservation ; rights management ; CEDARS ; OAIS ; DC ; TEI ; METS ; MODS ; EAD ; LOM ; ONIX ; CDWA ; VRA ; MPEG ; RDF ; standards organization ; digital preservation ; overview ; practical ; librarians ; institutional best practices ; standard ;

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Ref ID: 113 Web Page, 9 of 12
Title | 
METS: An Overview and Tutorial
Author(s) | 
Source  |
Descriptors | 
administration ; description ; METS ; MOA2 ; OAIS ; government ; overview ; librarians ;

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Ref ID: 48 Web Page, 10 of 12
Title | 
Cedars Guide To Preservation Metadata
Author(s) | 
Source  | 
/ ....
Descriptors | 
administration ; preservation ; OAIS ; PANDORA ; METS ; NISO ; XML ; RKMS ; AGLS ; SIG ; digital preservation ; overview ; standardization ; archivists ; librarians ; recordkeeping professionals ; systems ; scholarly ; standard ;

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Ref ID: 36 Web Page, 11 of 12
Title | 
Preservation of Digitally Recorded Sound
Author(s) | 
Source  |
Descriptors | 
description ; preservation ; rights management ; technical ; METS ; SDMI ; librarian ; digital archives ; digital libraries ; digital preservation ; electronic rights management ; overview ; standardization ; archivists ; librarians ; professionals ;

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Ref ID: 31 Web Page, 12 of 12
Title | 
Archiving The Avant Garde: Documenting And Preserving Variable Media Art.
Author(s) | 
Source  |
Descriptors | 
administration ; description ; preservation ; DC ; EAD ; MARC ; METS ; SIG ; digital archives ; digital preservation ; overview ; hypothetical ; museum ; professionals ; industry best practices ; professional guidelines ;


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