International Team Research Workshop #6


When: October 17 - 21, 2000

Where: Milani Hotel, Rome, Italy

Attendees: Luciana Duranti, Terry Eastwood, Heather MacNeil, Ken Thibodeau, Bruce Walton, Anne Gilliland-Swetland, Philip Eppard, Ken Hannigan, Peter Horsman, Hans Hofman, Barbara Craig, Sue McKemmish, Maria Guercio, Rich Lysakowski, Seamus Ross, Jason Baron, Torbjorn Hornfeldt, Bill Underwood, Christine Petillat, Roger Maxwell, Agnes Jonker, Mark Giguere, Sharon Farb, Chen Wei, Zhao Zhon Xiu, Reagan Moore, Brent Lee, Gigliola Fioravanti, Lucilla Garofalo, Cristina Camuzzo, Flora Anastassiou, Monica Grossi, Giovanni Michetti, Susanna Oreffice, Vincenzo De Meo, Silvia Trani, Peter Van Garderen, Tahra Fung, Jean-Pascal Morghese, Kevin Glick, Shelby Sanett, Claire-Yasmina Veisseire, Robert Edwards

Workshop Objectives:

  1. review and discuss Draft Requirements for Authenticity and the Preliminary Report on the UCLA Analysis
  2. integrate the work of the various task forces
  3. review the latest versions of the Glossary and the Organizational Policy
  4. begin the work of the Domain IV Task Force
  5. continue decomposition off models
  6. discuss the future InterPARES project


Research workshop #6 provided the opportunity for task forces to continue their individual activities as well as begin to bring their work together in a collaborative manner.

The Authenticity Task Force reviewed, discussed and revised the Draft Requirements for Authenticity derived from the diplomatic analysis of the case studies and the Preliminary Report on the UCLA Analysis. The Authenticity Task Force also identified criteria for Round 3 of the case studies and developed a formal procedure for the carrying out of the case study activities.

The Appraisal Task Force spent much of its time discussing its work with respect to the work of the other task forces. The members reviewed the Draft Requirements document and discussed its relevance to the Appraisal Task Force. In addition, the Appraisal Task Force and the Preservation Task Force created a high level model that encompasses both the selection and preservation functions.

The Preservation Task Force continued its decomposition of the preserve electronic records model. Three members of the tasks force delivered presentations on the following topics: models developed since the last workshop, a study of various digital methods of preservation, and a preservation model depicted in DFD notation. In addition, the Preservation Task Force participated in a joint meeting with the Authenticity Task Force and the Appraisal Task Force in order to discuss glossary terms and future activities of the three task forces.

The Glossary Committee reviewed and revised the most recent glossary document. The committee also discussed the status of the glossary system, appointed a vice-chair, and outlined a schedule for further activities.

The Strategies Task Force (formerly Domain IV Task Force) held its first official meeting. The task Force discussed issues such as its role within the project, the methodology that it will adopt, and its membership policy. This resulted in the formation of a procedure and timeline for bringing together the work of the various task forces in order to achieve the goals of the Strategies Task Force and the project as a whole. 

The final meeting of the International Team consisted of reviewing and passing the latest versions of the InterPARES Glossary and the Organizational Policy, discussing upcoming task force meetings, specifying future locations for workshops and detailing future project activities.

Next International Team Workshop: 
Vancouver, BC, Canada (February 12 - 16, 2001)