International Team Research Workshop #5


When: June 22 - 26, 2000

Where: Canterbury Hotel, Washington, DC, USA

Participants: Luciana Duranti, Terry Eastwood, Heather MacNeil, Ken Thibodeau, Bruce Walton, Anne Gilliland-Swetland, Phillip Eppard, Peter Horsman, Hans Hofman, Ken Hannigan, Maria Guercio, Rich Lysakowski, Bill Rhind, Seamus Ross, Jason Baron, Yvette Hackett, Bill Underwood, Su-Shing Chen, Christine Petillat, Fynette Eaton, Wai-Kwok Wan, Leon Stout, Richard Blake, Agnes Jonker, Mark Giguere, Sharon Farb, P.C. Hariharan, Normand Fortier, Lisa Haralampus, Regan Moore

Assistants: Tahra Fung, Peter Van Garderen, Kevin Glick, Rich Sloma, Ciaran Trace, Francesca Marini, Kalpana Shankar, Marisol Ramos, Eun Park

Workshop Objectives:

  1. Review and discuss Round 2 of Case Studies
  2. Authenticity Task Force discuss Round 3 of Case Studies and typology
  3. Preservation Task Force continue to model preservation function
  4. Appraisal Task Force continue to model appraisal function
  5. Glossary Committee discuss progress and future tasks
  6. Discuss future of InterPARES Project

Summary: Workshop #5 encompassed presentations of Round 2 case studies, further work by individual groups, and discussions about future plans and activities for the project. The International Team continued to tackle core issues regarding case studies and methodology.

The Authenticity Task Force determined that it would be more beneficial to postpone Round 3 of the case studies and focus on data analysis and diplomatic analysis of the existing case study material. In addition, the Authenticity Task Force drafted a schedule for its activities leading up to Workshop #6.

The Appraisal Task Force and Preservation Task Force spent much of their time further decomposing their models. The Appraisal Task Force was able to refine the model at the top level and to make significant progress in decomposing the model to lower levels. Likewise, the Preservation Task Force continued to decompose the preservation function. Both task forces identified several possible areas of intersection between the two models.

The Glossary Committee was able to meet officially for the first time as a separate group. It reviewed term nomination workflow and discussed and delegated various tasks and duties. In addition, deadlines were selected and organizational issues were discussed.

The last day of Workshop #5 concluded with a meeting of the International Team in which the task forces and Glossary Committee reported on their work-to-date. The International Team discussed the organization and mandate of the task force for Domain IV. A chair was chosen for the task force and suggestions regarding other members were made. As well, organizational issues were clarified and objectives for Workshop #6 were identified. Finally, the International Team discussed future plans and directions for the InterPARES Project as a whole.

Next International Team Research Workshop: 
Rome, Italy (October 24 - 28, 2000)